Liability and Compensation


 Liability and Compensation

Who Can I Sue?

An accident victim may be able to file a third party claim if a party aside from the other driver contributed to the accident. In some cases, an individual can seek damages from a car maker if a defective or flawed vehicle component caused a crash. Additionally, if the at-fault party was acting under their scope of employment, their employer may be liable for damages. Furthermore, victims may also file suit against a government agency or transportation authority if factors such as a poorly maintained roadway, improper signage, or irresponsible highway construction contribute to a substantial accident.

How Much is My Case Worth?

The law allows victims and their families the opportunity to seek compensation from the entity that caused the accident. Damages may include:
Medical Bills: This can include current and future expenses including hospital costs, rehabilitation, transport, and medication.
Lost Wages: If the accident causes the injured party to miss work, they may be compensated for the wages they would have earned had the accident not occurred.
Future Lost Wages: If the accident is so severe that the injured can never return to work, or must miss work for a significant amount of time, they may be entitled to wages they would have earned.
Pain and Suffering: This can include coverage for treatment of depression, anxiety, fear, and other mental injuries causing distress or mental anguish. Additionally, the injured car accident victim may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering caused by the injury and its treatment.
Loss of Consortium: If the injury negatively alters the relations of a couple, compensation for loss of intimacy or support may be available to the aggrieved party.
Funeral Costs: If a family loses a loved one in an accident, they may be able to recover some of the damages listed above, as well as funeral costs and death-related expenses.
If you or a loved one was in a car accident and sustained a severe injury, you may be entitled to compensation beyond that which is provided by your PIP coverage. To learn more about your legal rights and how our Tampa car accident attorneys may be able to help, please complete our free case review form today.